Welcome to the UArizona Health Sciences & BIO5 Institute Statistics Consulting Lab
The mission of the Stat Lab is to collaborate with scientists and physicians across UArizona to further scientific discovery. The Stat Lab partners with you, offering the following areas of expertise:
Statistical advice & expertise
Defining study objectives and outcome measures; providing analysis advice
Data science
Modern data analysis methods including machine learning along with graphical data visualization
Design of experiments & observational studies
Statistically efficient, meeting practical constraints
Bioinformatics analysis
Modern methods for analysis for high-dimensional genomics and proteomics data
Grant preparation
Experience with Program Project, Center, and Research (R/U) grants with NIH; DoD and PCORI grants; writing Data Management Plans
Manuscript submission
Stat Lab statisticians have authored or co-authored over 500 peer-reviewed manuscripts
New statistical methods
Development of new techniques to address unique research questions
Network of specialized statistical experts
Colleagues with other UArizona statisticians with specialized expertise
To make an appointment contact: statlab@arizona.edu